Liam Browne author of ‘Dealer Healer- A Modern Tale of a Fucked up Male’ finds gritty, honest and true stories of real people and how they have turned their lives around in a positive and inspiring way.
Today's guest is the Zander Stewart who tells us all about his wonderful healing journey. From the madness of Ibiza to a more idyllic life in Barcelona. It was so beautiful to sit down and get his story. We cover lots of topics and have some weird and wacky flows and tangents of conversation. I'm sure you will love this beautifully spoken Mancunian.
You can listen to the show where ever you listen to your podcasts or here- Zander Podcast
You can get my book DEALER TO HEALER here- DEALER TO HEALER
I will hand you over to Zander so he can give you some bits about what he is up to and what he has been up to. Enjoy!!!!!
Born and raised on the south side of “sunny” Manchester, having passed through an interesting yet fairly unsettled, and at times very challenging youth I often found myself exploring ideas of spirituality and deeper questions of life fairly early on. This also led me down a path of drinking and drugs, with a hedonistic, escapism, all or nothing mindset.. Never being to excited, inspired or satisfied with the strange education system in the UK or confinement’s of a “typical” 9-5 job I found a big part of myself losing my mind on the dance floors, pushing the mental and physical limits beyond what most consider to be extremes; yet somehow keeping myself together and often being the go to person for help in many situations. Finally feeling a part of something, making beautiful, funny, interesting connections like never before, feeling loved and respected, even for the briefest of moments.. I inserted my soul in this incredible musical movement. In my time on the scene I discovered a love and skill within networking to open doors to live out my first big dream of playing and further along the path, creating music.

After 17 years frequenting Ibiza island, 6 incredible, intense, unforgettable summers there, spending winters on the white isle, in London and back home in Manchester, 18 years so far
mastering the art of mixing and performance; I could finally say I’ve had the great privilege of sharing my inspired musical treats and talents with huge crowds at some of the biggest and most respected parties, after parties, bars and clubs in the world...
I’ve made a lot of people smile and dance... But what next..!?
It felt quite natural for me to take my next steps in Barcelona, another beautiful place with a city vibe but the balance of sea, sun, and a lot of nature at my fingertips. It’s another way of living with a unique and thriving music scene. It has become the perfect place to evolve my conscious mind, go deeper in to my spiritual nature and take a huge step back to focus on my mental and physical health.
I started working on my new vision; KollectiVentures. It is a huge ongoing project inside a warehouse, a hub designed for people on a similar journey, with an open, creative, positive and forward thinking ethos. An open place for healing, sharing, creating and collaborating. It’s a collective of many of my ideas from years past, which I never understood or thought could possibly be connected, to function in harmony, in one space under one roof.

The current process and bigger future goal is for interesting, inspiring, conscious, caring and beautiful minds to find their way here. To have and enjoy a space, to use our art, to evolve and share ideas, whilst also looking at ways to plant new seeds, actively seeking better ways to unite and bring others less fortunate or lost together, to guide and heal, both here and all around the globe.
Blessed and honoured to be alive, healthy and breathing the air of this crazy world with live in. All feedback welcome.
Much love, Zandér
You can connect with Zander on Instergram - @zanderstewart
The DEALER TO HEALER podcast focuses on those who have found solace from a destructive past to step into a more spiritual and love-driven life. Letting go of their old ways we see how each individual has overcome their adversity and demons to step into the light. Yoga Teachers, Healers, Breath Workers, Vegans, Holistic Therapists, Acupuncturists, Psychic’s and Musicians all share their unique stories. Sharing the events and synchronicities that led to the positive changes in their lives. Discover how you can find more joy in your own life and step into your own unique power and see how you can make positive changes to your life and relationships. Become empowered to step into your true self and do all the things you have always dreamed of.
You can listen to the show where ever you listen to your podcasts or here- Zander Podcast
“Yoga is not about your ability to do a posture but how it positively changes your life and relationships”
T.K.V. Desikachar
You can get my DEALER TO HEALER book here- DEALER TO HEALER