Liam Browne author of ‘Dealer Healer- A Modern Tale of a Fucked up Male’ finds gritty, honest and true stories of real people and how they have turned their lives around in a positive and inspiring way.
On today's show, I interview Yoga Teacher and owner of Yoga Manchester Matt Ryan. He used to be a DJ and now he's a famous Ashtangi!! We get close and personal with this incredible man who shares his journey. Nice one Matt!!
You can listen to the show where ever you listen to your podcasts or here- Matt Podcast
You can get my book DEALER TO HEALER here- DEALER TO HEALER

Matt has practised Ashtanga Yoga for over 20 years and taught for the last 19. He is from Manchester in teh north of England. He has also taught in both India and Europe as well as all over the UK.
Over the last 19 years he has successfully launched Yoga Manchester , Yoga Express Manchester
and ‘the nee-ji’ a unique yoga prop to protect the knee in a yoga class. He has also written a book ‘An Idiots Guide to setting up a Yoga Class’
I will hand over to Matt to speak for himself:
"It feels like an honour to be able to pass on what I have learnt to anyone who is interested. My time on the mat has taught me everything from humility to having a sense of humour. I have also learnt that there are no short cuts in yoga — you can read all the books from Amazon (there’s plenty – I’ve bought most of them) but at the end of the day my realisation is that there is no substitute for time spent on the mat.
I have been authorized ‘level 2′ to pass on the Ashtanga Yoga method by the late Sri K Pattabhis Jois. It is an honour to receive Guruji’s blessing I will endeavour to pass on the method as I have been instructed to do so, staying true to the Ashtanga Yoga form as realized by Sri K Pattabhis Jois. My studies will now continue with Sharath Jois at the KPJAYI in Mysore, South India. I am currently working on the Advanced B of the Ashtanga system having already completed the first three sequences. The KPJAYI is the governing of Ashtanga Yoga and is the only governing body to issue Yoga students with the authorisation to teach Ashtanga Yoga.
Away from Ashtanga I study Zen Buddhism under my teacher Brad Warner. I am dedicated to the daily practice of Zazen (Zen form of meditation). This Zazen practice has completely transformed the way I approach the Ashtanga discipline and it has helped me understand the internal mind aspect of the practice."
You can listen to the show where ever you listen to your podcasts or here- Matt Podcast
The podcast focuses on those who have found solace from a destructive past to step into a more spiritual and love-driven life. Letting go of their old ways we see how each individual has overcome their adversity and demons to step into the light. Yoga Teachers, Healers, Breath Workers, Vegans, Holistic Therapists, Acupuncturists, Psychic’s and Musicians all share their unique stories. Sharing the events and synchronicities that led to positive changes in their lives. Discover how you can find more joy in your own life and step into your own unique power and see how you can make positive changes to your life and relationships. Become empowered to step into your true self and do all the things you have always dreamed of.

“Yoga is not about your ability to do a posture but how it positively changes your life and relationships”
T.K.V. Desikachar
You can get my DEALER TO HEALER book here- DEALER TO HEALER
Yoga Manchester LINKS:
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Arbonne Products- See the Video Here
"Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived."
Søren Kierkegaard