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Katie Valentine, Learning to Love Yourself!!!

Writer's picture: Liam BrowneLiam Browne

Hello everybody. I hope these beautifully crazy times are treating you all well and that we always try to remember regardless of what's going on that our greatest gifts usually come disguised as our worst nightmares!! Sending everyone of you all my love and motivation to always make the best of all situations. It is just mindset. You have got this. That brings me nicely onto my latest guest on the DEALER TO HEALER podcast. A true warrior who has been through a lot of suffering to find the beauty of her true essence. It was always there but just covered up with a lot of shit. Just like the lotus flower breaking through the dirty waters to elegantly becomes its most beautiful self. Katie Valentine is an Australian author who in 2016 had a mental breakdown, sold everything she owned and moved to Spain.

Since then Katie has been on a long and turbulent journey back home to herself. Today I get to sit and discover how she did it and how she deals with life differently now.

Katie now works in Coaching, Sound Therapy, Breathwork and Guided Meditation.

She aims to hold space for others and propel them into living an extraordinary life. This begins with finding their inner warrior and conquering limiting self-beliefs. SheI believes that when we conquer our minds; we conquer the world. In her debut book Growth she writes of her experiences with love, growth and all of the stupid shenanigans that come with moving to a foreign country. But most importantly, she tells us of her greatest love story of all Her relationship with herself. So from her extremely messy soul to yours, here it is…. buy her debut book Growth (and other stories) here - BUY BOOK!!!!!

We had such an amazing conversation and you can listen to the show where ever you listen to your podcasts or here- Katie Podcast

Much Love to you all and until next time stay blessed!!!!

Peace & Love

Liam x x

You can get my book DEALER TO HEALER here- DEALER TO HEALER The DEALER TO HEALER podcast focuses on those who have found solace from a destructive past to step into a more spiritual and love-driven life. Letting go of their old ways we see how each individual has overcome their adversity and demons to step into the light. Yoga Teachers, Healers, Breath Workers, Vegans, Holistic Therapists, Acupuncturists, Psychic’s and Musicians all share their unique stories. Sharing the events and synchronicities that led to the positive changes in their lives. Discover how you can find more joy in your own life, step into your own unique power and see how you can make positive changes to your life and relationships. Become empowered to step into your true self and do all the things you have always dreamed of.

“Yoga is not about your ability to do a posture but how it positively changes your life and relationships”

                                                                                        T.K.V. Desikachar

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