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Fri, 28 Jan


Lake Windemere


THIS IS NOT YOUR NORMAL YOGA RETREAT. We take you on a transformational journey to rediscover and enhance your inner joy

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Time & Location

28 Jan 2022, 16:00 – 31 Jan 2022, 10:00

Lake Windemere, Windermere, United Kingdom

About the Event





PLEASE BE WARNED this is a magical weekend of life changing an affirming transformation. We don't mess about, we do all we can to make sure you leave feeling inspire, aligned and ready to take on the world. This isn't a relaxing Yoga retreat where you do a bit of yoga and eat great food and chat. These retreats are about real Yoga which is Self-realisation and enlightenment. Yes there will be amazing Jivamukti Yoga Classes and great food and people. But what lights us up more than anything is people arriving, depressed, suicidal, anxious, stiff, unwanted, lost in the world and seeing them leave, allive, passionate, feeling free and unbridled full of love, joy, laughter and happiness with a real thirst for life once more. We focus is helping you release heavy stuck energy and get you stepping into your true power!!

Our intention will be is on UNLEASHING YOUR INNER FIRE, by activating your heart, opening you up to the beauty that is within you and taking a moment to realise who you truly are and what you really want from this incarnation. Are you where you want to be? Are you around the people you want to be around who lift you up? Are you doing what you should be doing in this world? We will be asking you to ask yourself these big questions. Yes it can get emotional and tough and hopefully you will get triggered, but sometimes that’s where we need to go to get to the real jewels of self realisation, enlightenment and bliss. We have to release old habits, old patterns and excuses so we can embrace the truly remarkable individual we are. This retreat is not for everyone, it is disciplined aligned and committed to providing a framework for positive growth.

You can do this, we can all step up our game and you will leave this retreat feeling empowered and motivated to start stepping up and shining more and more light on the world. Sounds deep? Well it will be, but we assure you there will be tons of fun, laughter and craziness in an inclusive and supported environment so you can fully blossom into your magnificent self. FULL 'FUCKING' POWER!!! Oh and there could be swearing, so if you are offended easily, then just choose not to be!

How will we make this magic happen? Well we will be shifting repetitive patterns of behaviour through Yoga, Meditation, Cacao, Cold Water Therapy, Mantra Chanting, Healing, Sharing Circles and Dance, ready for the true you to emerge and go forth like the true warrior you are. BOOM!!

In the idyllic setting of Lake Windermere in The Lake District you will have the chance to take a break from your busy life and really focus on what is important for your own personal growth.

Are you ready?       Come on!      We are!!!


                                                                  "I AM POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE"

The whole retreat is YOGA, this search for Self-realisation and enlightenment.  That is why this is a retreat with a difference, every moment of it is Yoga and we get you closer to this with Liam's Jivamukti Yoga Classes but we also include the modalities of Cacao Ceremony, Ecstatic Dance, Cold Water Therapy, Mantra Chanting, Meditation and Breathwork. All designed and curated to get you feeling 'powerful beyond measure" and more closely connected with your own divinity.

Our aim is to WAKE and shake your body, mind and spirit in order to step into your FULL potential. You will leave the retreat feeling empowered, transformed and GLOWING with pure life energy. Seriously you will be, check out our testimonials and reviews on Facebook and Instagram. We are the real fucking deal and we dont mess about.

You can become a different person, releasing old shackles, blossoming into the true you. Even if you are already feeling magnificent we will make you feel even more magnificent.

This retreat is suitable for all levels and capabilities. Just show up, bring yourself and all that you are with an open mind and heart don't be put off by anything, people have just sat in the Yoga Classes before and found healing through just being in the space. We will connect and support each other and you will feel held by the group so that we can open up fully.  We want to push you to grow and expand in and safe and loving environment.

We guarantee that it will be a retreat full of love, light, growth and laughter, not forgetting HUGS galore. We all need to be held from time to time and STONE COLD SOBER wants to be that loving hug of empowerment.

It will all be taking place surrounded by the stunning nature of the sublime Lake District,UK.





A BIT ABOUT LIAM BROWNE (Retreat Facilitator & Life Transformer)

Liam is on a mission to wake up the world, connect people to their true essence to live a healthier, happier, love and laughter filled life. Through his own introspection and healing he has gained invaluable experiences and now offers a space to allow others to process their own self–healing - with the aim of making as many people as possible find their superpower and become empowered to be the best, most beautiful version of themselves.

After a traumatic childhood of living in a Battered Wives Institute, being around violence and abuse he was pretty messed up. He had zero positive male role models in his life. He became a drug dealing, womanising, drug-taking raver! Now he is a Yoga Teacher, Author, Life Transformer, expanded consciousness explorer and a healer.

Liam is fun to be around, adventurous and has an amazing lust and love for life. He tries to enjoy each moment and day, filling them with crazy laughter and love. He also gives the most wonderful hugs! He is hard working and always available to those that need him, he never lets anyone down and prides himself on being the support people need.

One thing that is guaranteed is that you will have the most FUN on this retreat and please note that this…….

“ Ain't no trippy dippy, tie-dye wearing, indigenous menstrual blood smearing, yogurt weaving, softly spoken in a calm slow American accent Yoga Retreat. This isn't weird shit with people wearing white being overly polite to each other! This is hardcore Mancunian Yoga!!!! It will blow your socks off, make your jaw drop, make you dance like never before, feel things you never thought possible, breathe in the energy of the room and wonder what the fuck is that. It will keep you talking about it for months. You will step away from the retreat ready to take on the world like the true warrior you are. You will start kicking arse in life becoming the greatest version of yourself. This is euphoric, this is real shit, this is a stone cold sober Yoga Retreat and you will never forget it!!!!"

This is a solid, NO NONSENSE, down to earth spiritual RETREAT. Liam holds the space in an empowered and caring way. Giving you the chance to explore different avenues of who you are and who you want to present to the world. It’s a path that everyone can relate to in everyday life, that’s what will make this weekend so unique and special.

WE URGE ALL OUR GUESTS TO COMMIT TO ATTENDING ALL CLASSES - as we take you on a curated weekend of tranformation that will take commitment, spirit, determination and discipline so please come FULLY commited to stepping sometimes into uncomfortable places - but know you will be FULLY held. Unless we drop you!!! Only joking, we will have your back in every way imaginable.

This retreat is suitable for all levels and capabilities of yoga. Just bring yourself and all that you are with an open mind  & heart. We will connect and support each other and you will feel held by the group so that we can open up fully.  We want to push you to grow and expand in a safe and loving environment.


This is an intimate retreat with just 11 spaces available.  It is a Luxury Boutique Cottage with its own 'Hot Tub' which we will be using throughout the weekend. The Cottage is in the heart of the Lake District  surrounded by the rolling hills of the countryside with amazing walks and views surrounding us. The centre of Windermere is a 5 min drive and the lake a 3 min drive. It is perfectly placed so nothing is any effort and everything we need is on the doorstep. We are also close to the train station. If anyone would like to come by train we will be able to pick you up from the station.

Rooms available

x1 TRIPLE ROOM £650pp = 3 spaces

X2 TWIN ROOM/DOUBLE £700pp = 4 spaces

x1 smaller BUNK ROOM £650pp = 2 spaces

x1 DOUBLE BED LUXURY ROOM 2 sharing £700pp =  or single occupancy £1400




You can book by pressing buy and pay direct on the website or pay a deposit of 50%. To do this please send us an email telling us which room you are interested in and we will come back to you asap with payment details. The full balance will be due 6 weeks before the day the retreat starts.

***Please understand that this retreat will go ahead no matter what the lockdown situ is unless we are forced to stop, therefore a refund would be given.****

The retreat is non refundable, non transferable. So please be 100% committed if you wish to attend.


Massage, Reflexology & Healing with our 2 amazing practitioners. Seriously guys you don't want to miss out, they are both next level!!

HANKA VRUBLOVA - is a holistic massage therapist who massages intuitvely drawing on a wide range of massage &  healing technniques from her extensive training. Hanka is highly intuitive and uses her unique magic when choosing how to meet each clients needs  . She holds a beautiful and welcoming massage space, where she connects with the client on a soul level. Most client leaves one of Hankas massages floating on air!! 

PAULINE GRIFFIN -  is a Multidimensional Seraphim healer. She is overlighted by her celestial team to clear away any negativity, old patterns, beliefs and blockages. Assisting you to align you with your higher self and higher purpose and bringing through past life talents, activations and downloads giving you a totally multidimensional experience.


1 hour Multidimensional Healing - £50

30 min - Healing - £30

1 hour Massage - £50

1 hour Reflexology

Cacao – £4 a cup if wanted outside the Ceremony Situation

                      *********HOW TO PREPARE FOR YOUR RETREAT*************

We offer a space for you to release and heal deep shit, emotional wounds and trauma. Therefore to help this process, start looking at all areas of your life. Ask if they are in alignment with your divine self. Take a look at what you want to shift and change. What areas of your life are not serving you. Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing? Do you feel in alignment morally and ethically? Does your heart resonate with all parts of your life?

We will start the retreat clearing away what is no longer in alignment with your highest self. Breaking down barriers so we can access the universal knowledge and wisdom that is within us all. Once we have done this we can start to visualise and manifest what we truly desire from the heart space. We will have made space for greatness. We will then be open to bring in our highest purpose and desires and fully step into our power.

The best preparation for the retreat would be to start a vegan diet, meditate at least once a day, practice yoga at least once a day and detox from technology and toxic people as much as possible. You are starting a clearing process so why not give yourself a head start.

We will be intermittent fasting during the week so if possible start to detox the body by drinking hot lemon and water in the morning and not eating until around 10:30/11 every day. This will give your body the best possible chance to work at its optimum level. Don’t worry there is always plenty of food and no one ever gets hungry on one of our retreats. We are people of abundance so anything extra you need please let us know immediately.


  • YOGA clothes
  • YOGA MAT - we have some amazing mats for sale (Liam tried out loads last year and this was the best by a mile. Super grippy) Please let us know if you don’t have a mat - we do have spares, - it would be good to know numbers so we know what to bring.  Yoga mats are £60
  • SWIM SHOES (only if you have them, don’t worry if you don’t, we don’t use them)
  • WARM CLOTHES - hat, gloves, scarf for walking and when you come out of the water - you never know the weather
  • LOOSE CHANGE - we sell Liam's books, incense, pendulums, cacao and yoga mats -  if you would like to make a purchase when you are with us.
  • ANYTHING you would like to put on the ALTAR - e.g. photo, crystal, sacred ornament anything that is important to you and can be powered up with the energy we create.


Does anyone have any food allergies? PLEASE let us know when you book.

This is a vegan retreat, there will be plenty of food and no need to bring anything else with you.

Terms & Conditions

PLEASE PLEASE Please understand that this retreat will go ahead no matter what the lockdown situ is unless we are forced to stop, therefore a refund would be given, otherwise the retreat is non refundable, non transferable. So please be 100% committed if you wish to attend.

ARRIVALS   TBC - but approx 4:00pm on the 9th, leaving 10:00am on the 16th


Most people don't think about the need for insurance when travelling especially within the UK but the unexpected can always happen and if you need to cancel your visit to us you could lose your deposit or even the full cost of the retreat. Therefore it is strongly advised all our guests to arrange Personal Accident and Travel/Cancellation Insurance when booking onto one of our retreats and recommend you take time to research a company that suits you personally.

Booking information:

The retreat cost includes the retreat fee, accommodation and all meals during your stay. Travel to the retreat is not included in the price.

Payment Policy:

A non-refundable deposit is required for each retreat.

This deposit is taken upon booking the retreat, spaces are NOT confirmed without deposit payment. Remaining balance being due 4 weeks prior to the start of the retreat. If the retreat is booked less than 4 weeks in advance the deposit facility will not be available and the full amount will need to be paid when booking.

Failure to pay the balance on the set due date will mean your place IS NOT secured and will be offered to a waiting list.

Refund Policy:

If you decide to cancel the retreat after paying the deposit, this deposit can not be transferred to another retreat or another person. If you have made full payment no refund will be given. We strongly advise you to take out your own insurance.

Unexpected Circumstances that are out of Stone Cold Sober Control.

Stone Cold Sober is not liable under the circumstances of Natural Disaster, War, Pandemic, Failure by the venue or other situation that is out of Stone Cold Sober control. Stone Cold Sober will do his best to sort alternative arrangements depending on the scale of the situation.

Cancellation Policy:

All information included in our website and publicity is correct at the time of going to press, but may be subject to change. Whilst we do not anticipate changes to the advertised retreat dates, we may have to cancel or postpone retreats at our discretion.


Stone Cold Sober shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or any other damages.


We reserve the right to ask participants to leave the retreat if their behaviour is disruptive to the running of the retreat or to the other participants and staff. If you withdraw from the retreat at any time or if you are requested to leave due to disruptive behaviour, no part of the retreat fee shall be refunded. In the case of our staff's decision to ask you to leave, all matters arising from a dispute are subject to English law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.


Stone Cold Sober does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease or condition either physical or mental. Retreat offerings should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Our programmes are provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes. Any information, instruction or advice given is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care. You should not discontinue or modify any medication and/or treatment presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional.

Stone cold Sober does not accept any liability for participants' medical or psychiatric conditions which may exist or which may arise during or subsequent to participation in one of our retreats.

Always consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle or prescription drugs.



    We have two stunning twin rooms sharing with one other. Both of our twin rooms have views of the mountains. One is situated on the ground floor and one on the first floor. The rooms can also be made into a double if a couple wanted to share.

    Sold Out

    This stunning double room is situated in the eves of the first floor. The room has a real warmth and charm and would be perfect for a couple or someone wanting that extra bit of privacy for themselves. If you want it all to yourself just book two tickets.

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